SO! I'm taking a cooking class this semester & I LOVE it! We have lab every friday and we actually get to go into the kitchen and make a full course meal. Here is our menu from two weeks ago. Enjoy! They are so easy to do :)
Oven Roast
1 oven roast, 2 lbs (can be beef, pork loin, or turkey breast)
tt coarse salt
tt ground pepper
Preheat oven to 350F. Prepare roast by setting on a roasting rack set in a shallow baking pan. Roast uncovered until a meat thermometer inserted in the center reads the appropriate temperature (approximately 1 – 1½ hours – 150-155˚F for beef and pork, 165˚F for turkey). Remove from oven and let stand for 10 – 15 minutes before slicing.
Roasted Cauliflower with Garlic (Gourmet, 2001) 4 servings
1 lb cauliflower, cut into 2” wide florets
1 ½ Tbsp olive oil
1 small clove garlic, minced
tt salt
tt black pepper
Preheat oven to 400F. Toss cauliflower with oil, garlic, salt, and pepper in a large bowl. Spread evenly in a shallow baking pan and roast in the upper third of the oven, stirring occasionally, until golden (approximately 30 – 35 minutes).
Balsamic Roasted Green Beans (Gourmet, 2002) 4 servings
1 lb green beans, ends removed
1Tbsp olive oil
tt salt
1 Tbsp Balsamic vinegar
Preheat oven to 450F. Toss beans with oil and salt in a bowl. Spread evenly in a shallow baking pan and roast until crisp-tender, turning occasionally (approximately 20 minutes). Drizzle the beans with Balsamic vinegar and toss, then cook until most of the vinegar has evaporated (about 2 minutes).
Tomato and Zucchini Tian (On Cooking, 4th ed) 4 servings
6 oz Zucchini
6 oz Roma or plum tomatoes
tt salt
tt white pepper
1 – 1½ oz olive oil
½ oz bread crumbs
1. Trim the ends off the zucchini and cut into very thin rounds. Quickly blanch in boiling salted water.
2. Core the tomatoes but do not peel. Cut the tomatoes in rounds the same thickness as the zucchini.
3. Place a 4-inch ring mold on an oiled baking sheet. Inside the mold, arrange overlapping circles, alternating between zucchini and tomatoes.
4. Season and drizzle with olive oil. Sprinkle with the bread crumbs. Lift off ring and bake vegetables in oven for 10 minutes at 350F.
Parmesan Roasted Potatoes (Gourmet, 2000) 4 servings
1 oz finely grated parmesan
¼ cup flour
½ tsp salt
⅛ tsp black pepper
2 medium potatoes, peeled and quartered (lengthwise into wedges)
¼ cup butter
1. Preheat oven to 350˚F. Combine cheese, flour, salt and pepper in a bowl.
2. Melt butter in a shallow baking pan (just large enough to hold the potatoes). When butter has melted, remove pan from oven and set aside.
3. Cut and rinse potatoes. Pat dry to remove excess moisture.
4. Add potato wedges to flour mixture. Toss to coat completely.
5. Arrange wedges in a single layer in the pan of butter. Roast in middle or lower third of oven. Turn 2 – 3 times to allow to brown on all sides. Cook until browned and slightly crisp, about 1 ¼ hours.
Potatoes Roasted with Rosemary and Sea Salt (Bon Appetit, 2002) 4 servings
1 lb red potatoes, each cut into 4 – 6 wedges
2 Tbsp olive oil
1 tsp coarse sea salt or other coarse salt (we will use kosher salt)
1 tsp ground black pepper
1 clove garlic, minced
2 tsp chopped fresh rosemary (or ½ tsp dried)
Preheat oven to 400F. Toss potatoes with oil, salt and pepper in a bowl to coat. Transfer potatoes to a baking sheet and roast 20 minutes, stirring once.
Add garlic and rosemary to potatoes and toss to coat. Continue roasting until potatoes are just tender (approximately 10 minutes).
Roasted Curried Sweet Potatoes (Gournet, 1992) 4 servings
1 – ¾ lb sweet potatoes, unpeeled but scrubbed, cut into ⅛” thick slices
2 Tbsp butter, melted
½ tsp curry powder
tt coarse salt
Preheat oven to 450F. Combine butter and curry powder. Add potato slices and toss to coat. Arrange the slices on a greased baking sheet and pour or brush remaining butter over evenly. Roast sweet potatoes is the upper third of oven, turning once with a spatula, until golden and crisp (approximately 18 – 22 minutes). Transfer sweet potatoes to paper towels to drain, then sprinkle lightly with coarse salt. Serve warm.
Fruit Gratin (Professional Cooking, p. 1003)
Convert to
Monday, October 5, 2009
Sunday, July 12, 2009
Text Me, Text Me!
So, I wanted to update my blog tonight & I asked my boyfriend, Scott, what I should write about. He said "cell phones, because I know you want a new one..." Ah, tis true, tis true... I do want a new cell phone.
I think I would literally die without my cell phone... I am a texting machine, just in case you were wondering. Texting is a hobby, haha. It's really funny to think that a lot of people really wouldn't survive without a cell phone. I mean, especially in a college community setting, texting is how we communicate.
:Hey, wanna go grab something to eat?:
:Don't forget, meeting at 3pm!:
:Will you go on a date with me?:
:Which pages do we read for Creative Arts?:
:Basketball Intermurals at 7:30! Be there!:
:Whats up for tonight?:
It's crazy how technology has taken over! Haha. It's just going to keep being like that till the end of time, I'm sure. New models of new phones will keep popping up, making us want to spend even MORE money just to have the nicest, best performing phones.
I mean, there's nothing wrong with my little Nokia Music Xpress; it's cute & little. It actually suits me because it really is everything that I want. Hm, but I guess I just get tired of phones too quickly. I feel like everyone has the same phone as me too; I know my cousins, Sarah & Becca recently purchased the same phone as me--color & everything. Nothing wrong with that, it's a great phone, but I really just want something that not a lot of people have. Haha, I should stop that though... I'm a dirt poor college student :P Haha.
I think I would literally die without my cell phone... I am a texting machine, just in case you were wondering. Texting is a hobby, haha. It's really funny to think that a lot of people really wouldn't survive without a cell phone. I mean, especially in a college community setting, texting is how we communicate.
:Hey, wanna go grab something to eat?:
:Don't forget, meeting at 3pm!:
:Will you go on a date with me?:
:Which pages do we read for Creative Arts?:
:Basketball Intermurals at 7:30! Be there!:
:Whats up for tonight?:
It's crazy how technology has taken over! Haha. It's just going to keep being like that till the end of time, I'm sure. New models of new phones will keep popping up, making us want to spend even MORE money just to have the nicest, best performing phones.
I mean, there's nothing wrong with my little Nokia Music Xpress; it's cute & little. It actually suits me because it really is everything that I want. Hm, but I guess I just get tired of phones too quickly. I feel like everyone has the same phone as me too; I know my cousins, Sarah & Becca recently purchased the same phone as me--color & everything. Nothing wrong with that, it's a great phone, but I really just want something that not a lot of people have. Haha, I should stop that though... I'm a dirt poor college student :P Haha.
Anyways, here is my history of phones...
The first phone I ever had was some crappy little Motorolla V120 something... ? Haha.
I don't have a picture of it or anything... but just so you know, it really did exist.
It was black & silver... and crappy.
Next was my beautiful Samsung T509
It was a super trust worthy phone... I got it after having my first phone for a two years. In fact, my Samsung is still alive and kickin'! My brother, Darryl, actually uses it right now :)
Next was another Motorola. It was just a simple flip phone... I had to get it when I switched from T-Mobile to Verizon. I was going to school out in Buena Vista, VA. & they didn't have Tmobile out there... so yes, I was forced. Haha.
I kept that phone for another year... up until I moved out to Utah. It really sucked, by the way... the battery life was terrible! It would die after making two or three calls... Ugh.
Next in line was my LG Chocolate.
I got it for Christmas from my cousin, Marc. What a sweet guy :) Haha. It was already previously used, but whatever... I wanted to get rid of that terrible flip phone. Ugh, but not that the Chocolate was any better... it had touch sensitive keys and I would accidentally call people... or they wouldn't work. Plus, I had dropped this phone a few times... IN THE SNOW. Eek!
So, after living in Logan for a year, I finally decided to rejoin the TMobile network. (Thank goodness... they are wonderful! So much better and cheaper than Verizon, haha) And I got the crazy popular... Sidekick LX in navy blue. It was a fun phone... but honestly, I grew tired of it fast. I was getting tired of carrying it around... it was big and bulky... BUT! It did have a cool swivle screen :)
So, finally, the time came where it was time to say goodbye to the Sidekick... which I thought I was in love with... but really wasn't. Haha. Now I have my cute little Nokia. I love it. But I've had it for a while already... (not even a year) but I still feel like I need a new one! haha.
I wonder what my next one will be? :)

The first phone I ever had was some crappy little Motorolla V120 something... ? Haha.
I don't have a picture of it or anything... but just so you know, it really did exist.
It was black & silver... and crappy.
Next was my beautiful Samsung T509

It was a super trust worthy phone... I got it after having my first phone for a two years. In fact, my Samsung is still alive and kickin'! My brother, Darryl, actually uses it right now :)
Next was another Motorola. It was just a simple flip phone... I had to get it when I switched from T-Mobile to Verizon. I was going to school out in Buena Vista, VA. & they didn't have Tmobile out there... so yes, I was forced. Haha.

I kept that phone for another year... up until I moved out to Utah. It really sucked, by the way... the battery life was terrible! It would die after making two or three calls... Ugh.
Next in line was my LG Chocolate.

I got it for Christmas from my cousin, Marc. What a sweet guy :) Haha. It was already previously used, but whatever... I wanted to get rid of that terrible flip phone. Ugh, but not that the Chocolate was any better... it had touch sensitive keys and I would accidentally call people... or they wouldn't work. Plus, I had dropped this phone a few times... IN THE SNOW. Eek!
So, after living in Logan for a year, I finally decided to rejoin the TMobile network. (Thank goodness... they are wonderful! So much better and cheaper than Verizon, haha) And I got the crazy popular... Sidekick LX in navy blue. It was a fun phone... but honestly, I grew tired of it fast. I was getting tired of carrying it around... it was big and bulky... BUT! It did have a cool swivle screen :)

So, finally, the time came where it was time to say goodbye to the Sidekick... which I thought I was in love with... but really wasn't. Haha. Now I have my cute little Nokia. I love it. But I've had it for a while already... (not even a year) but I still feel like I need a new one! haha.
I wonder what my next one will be? :)

Monday, June 15, 2009
Late Night or Early Morning?
Well, it's creeping up to 1AM & I am not the least bit tired. I'm actually lying in my bed right now, in the dark. Shadie is asleep. Gosh, I dunno what's wrong with me. I hate this feeling. I just wanna sleep when normal people are supposed to feel sleepy! Haha.
Anyways, I have a feeling that this will be kind of a short blog. A lot has been weighing on my mind lately. I feel like my head is so messed up. I guess it all just comes within the package of being a girl, right? Hah. We just think too much.
Today I was told by someone that is close to me that I lack confidence. It kinda hit me hard. Well, truthfully, their statement was correct. I lack confidence. I guess I lack confidence in a lot of things. Gosh, I've been praying so hard for God to help me... I feel like I'm still waiting. It's either that or He really just wants me to learn to accept things for the way they are and move on with life. After all, the most important thing is to "be beautiful to Him" ...& that goes for all things in life. Funny how I know this to be true, yet my girly instincts kick in & I let them take over.
This right here would be Bill Hinson. We pretty much grew up together--in a way. We went to church together & he left to serve a two year mission. I can't believe how much he has changed. He is such a great guy--seriously, any girl would be lucky to date him!
If you are interested, contact me for his number! HAHA, jk!
But anyways, yeah, Bill goes to BYU-I & he drove to Logan to come visit his old friend. It was so crazy to see him again after almost 3 years! I really did miss him... seeing him again was awesome. I love to catch up with old friends.
Deb, Becca, & I. So, it's a bit different this summer--I don't get to see them every single day like I did last summer. I really missed these girls. It's always so much fun when we are together. Whether it be watching Spongebob, drinking frazzles, dancing in the livingroom, or just hanging around outside on some swings, we are always laughing & always having soo much fun.
Oh! & this is their sister Sarah! She also returned from a mission as well. She is so incredibly cute, haha! We are happy she is home.
It was really great to see her after such a long time as well. Now all we are missing is Leo, Mark, & Eko. Gosh, it always gets to me when I come home & I can't see them because they're not there.,, They are actually out in the hometown! Vabeach is stealing them from us this summer... They need to come back home, PRONTO!
As you can read from a previous blog, my roommate, Shadie, is getting married this August. This would be her fiance & my unoffical roommate, Jed! He is so funny. Really. I'm always laughing when he is around. He's demanding that I live with him and Shadie in their house when they get married... he even offered the CLOSET! With a sewing machine...
Running Asian sweatshops. Gosh. Haha.
This last pic that I wanted to share is of Mr. Kyle Fitzgerald. Kyle is one of my closest friends out here in Logan. We hadn't seen each other in a long time since he had been in California... so one day, after work, Kyle & I decided to catch a movie. We ended up seeing this really scary/funny/good movie called "Drag Me To Hell" (rated PG-13) haha. The trailers to this movie were really scary... but watching it was HILARIOUS!
This picture was taken when Kyle was saying:
"It was so awesome, the sign broke!"
Anyways, I have a feeling that this will be kind of a short blog. A lot has been weighing on my mind lately. I feel like my head is so messed up. I guess it all just comes within the package of being a girl, right? Hah. We just think too much.
Today I was told by someone that is close to me that I lack confidence. It kinda hit me hard. Well, truthfully, their statement was correct. I lack confidence. I guess I lack confidence in a lot of things. Gosh, I've been praying so hard for God to help me... I feel like I'm still waiting. It's either that or He really just wants me to learn to accept things for the way they are and move on with life. After all, the most important thing is to "be beautiful to Him" ...& that goes for all things in life. Funny how I know this to be true, yet my girly instincts kick in & I let them take over.
But I just wanted to share some random pictures that I've taken over the summer.
If you are interested, contact me for his number! HAHA, jk!
But anyways, yeah, Bill goes to BYU-I & he drove to Logan to come visit his old friend. It was so crazy to see him again after almost 3 years! I really did miss him... seeing him again was awesome. I love to catch up with old friends.
Oh! & this is their sister Sarah! She also returned from a mission as well. She is so incredibly cute, haha! We are happy she is home.
Running Asian sweatshops. Gosh. Haha.
This picture was taken when Kyle was saying:
"It was so awesome, the sign broke!"
Sunday, June 7, 2009
Scott & Stacy--something about us, or actually, him.
Wow, so it has been a while since I've updated my blog... again. But due to popular demand (I'm totally kidding about that) ...& boredom, I'm going to update.
Well, a lot has happened since the last time I posted. Shadie is officially engaged! She has a pretty rock on her finger. My former roommate, Melanie, is engaged too! Gosh, and they're both getting married the same weekend in August. Holy wow. Seems like people here in Utah are just getting married left & right!
People keep asking me when Scott & I will be ready to get married. Haha, yeah--well, my answer is always going to be when the Lord knows we are ready. If the Lord gives you the impression that you are with the right person, then it is commanded that we trust in Him. Why turn away from good feelings?
I still think Scott & I are super young. He is about to graduate & go to graduate school... & I have a couple more years before I even graduate myself. So, there's no rush in us getting married... although we do talk about it every now & then. Planning is good; but really, we are in no way trying to jump in right this second. We are just relying on the Lord. That is the best we can do; especially given our situation--the distance. We have been praying hard & I have faith that the right feelings will come. The Lord will direct our paths.
Anyways, I didn't wanna write this blog and explain feelings, emotions, marriage plans or whatnot... it was just something on my mind since people have been asking so much, haha. Especially living here in Utah! Ugh.
But all I really wanted to do was state a couple things about me & Scott (mostly Scott)--& why we are pretty much a perfect fit. Well, okay, let me restate that, why he is a perfect fit for me. I've dated around--didn't really find what I was looking for until Scott M. Trinh came along :)
A few reasons why:
HE IS SO CHILL--yes, he is like one of the most laid back people that I know. He's not easily angered. He's a calm, & thinks with a cooled head.
HE GETS ALONG WITH EVERYONE--doesn't matter who you are. He really takes the time to get to know a person when he first meets them. He's not shy at all; but very outgoing.
HE IS RESPECTFUL--especially towards my family, which is super important, especially since they're pretty much traditional Filipinos.
HE HAS GOALS/AMBITION--he is not a bum! gosh, this is something I didn't like while dating some other guys. I really didn't like when I would ask,
"so what do you wanna do with your life? what are you in school for?"
"uh, i dunno?"
Sorry, but that kinda doesn't cut it with me, haha. But yeah, Scott is in school & is going to graduate school for School Psychology. At a boy :)
HE MAKES ME LAUGH--and it's genuine. Like, I don't just laugh to laugh... he really brings it out of me. Sometimes, he doesn't even have to try! I love it.
There are lots of other things that I love about Scott, but I won't post them all up on here. These are just the ones that are more important to me--that I haven't been able to fully find in a person other than him. & There is one last thing that really blows me away... (I've seen this in other guys as well, but I was so impressed to see it in Scott so soon)
HE LIVES WHAT HE BELIEVES IN--walking by faith, not by sight. Recognizing where the spirit of the Lord dwells & where he doesn't. Gosh, I can not express how it makes me feel to hear Scott talk about his faith in Christ. It so much amazingness rolled in to one. Haha.
But yeah, pretty much, I have the best boyfriend in the entire world! I'm extremely happy with him & I can't wait to see him next month!! AHHHH!! :)
Well, a lot has happened since the last time I posted. Shadie is officially engaged! She has a pretty rock on her finger. My former roommate, Melanie, is engaged too! Gosh, and they're both getting married the same weekend in August. Holy wow. Seems like people here in Utah are just getting married left & right!
People keep asking me when Scott & I will be ready to get married. Haha, yeah--well, my answer is always going to be when the Lord knows we are ready. If the Lord gives you the impression that you are with the right person, then it is commanded that we trust in Him. Why turn away from good feelings?
I still think Scott & I are super young. He is about to graduate & go to graduate school... & I have a couple more years before I even graduate myself. So, there's no rush in us getting married... although we do talk about it every now & then. Planning is good; but really, we are in no way trying to jump in right this second. We are just relying on the Lord. That is the best we can do; especially given our situation--the distance. We have been praying hard & I have faith that the right feelings will come. The Lord will direct our paths.
Anyways, I didn't wanna write this blog and explain feelings, emotions, marriage plans or whatnot... it was just something on my mind since people have been asking so much, haha. Especially living here in Utah! Ugh.
But all I really wanted to do was state a couple things about me & Scott (mostly Scott)--& why we are pretty much a perfect fit. Well, okay, let me restate that, why he is a perfect fit for me. I've dated around--didn't really find what I was looking for until Scott M. Trinh came along :)
A few reasons why:
HE IS SO CHILL--yes, he is like one of the most laid back people that I know. He's not easily angered. He's a calm, & thinks with a cooled head.
HE GETS ALONG WITH EVERYONE--doesn't matter who you are. He really takes the time to get to know a person when he first meets them. He's not shy at all; but very outgoing.
HE IS RESPECTFUL--especially towards my family, which is super important, especially since they're pretty much traditional Filipinos.
HE HAS GOALS/AMBITION--he is not a bum! gosh, this is something I didn't like while dating some other guys. I really didn't like when I would ask,
"so what do you wanna do with your life? what are you in school for?"
"uh, i dunno?"
Sorry, but that kinda doesn't cut it with me, haha. But yeah, Scott is in school & is going to graduate school for School Psychology. At a boy :)
HE MAKES ME LAUGH--and it's genuine. Like, I don't just laugh to laugh... he really brings it out of me. Sometimes, he doesn't even have to try! I love it.
There are lots of other things that I love about Scott, but I won't post them all up on here. These are just the ones that are more important to me--that I haven't been able to fully find in a person other than him. & There is one last thing that really blows me away... (I've seen this in other guys as well, but I was so impressed to see it in Scott so soon)
HE LIVES WHAT HE BELIEVES IN--walking by faith, not by sight. Recognizing where the spirit of the Lord dwells & where he doesn't. Gosh, I can not express how it makes me feel to hear Scott talk about his faith in Christ. It so much amazingness rolled in to one. Haha.
But yeah, pretty much, I have the best boyfriend in the entire world! I'm extremely happy with him & I can't wait to see him next month!! AHHHH!! :)
Thursday, April 2, 2009
Roommates, Boyfriend, & Car Crashes.
Wow, so it's been an insanely long time since I've updated this blog. So much has happened since the last time I updated. I really don't even know where to begin!
Anyways, I just wanted to write down certain things that have crossed my mind.

My roommate, Shadie, & her boyfriend Jed are going to get married this August! Can you believe that?! It was only last August that they met!
Well, since Shadie will be moving out after the summer time, I've been thinking about some of the changes that I'd have to face. It will definitely be strange having a roommate that isn't Miss Shadie Ann. She's such a good roommate, even better friend, and probably the greatest "sister" that I'll ever have. I'm glad she and Jed are together... I really can't think of anyone better for her!
So, the troubles of "a new roommate" have been weighing on my mind... but I'm sure it'll all work out alright. I'm pretty sure Perla, one of my other roommates, and I will be sharing a room next Fall. She's so much fun. I guess it's just hard for me to get used to the idea, haha.
Oh! Hm, Scott came to visit me during Spring Break! It was so much fun. He's so amazing and so good to me :) I really am a lucky girl. Haha. He went through the trouble of asking
my parents how they felt about us dating... and if it was alright if we did. Gosh, NO ONE has ever done that for me before. Scott really is something else. I'm so happy with him! He makes me happy.
Let's see... my spring break was March 6th - 16th. I celebrated my 21st birthday with my family & boyfriend. I got to go to Salt Lake and see stuff around there with Scott. Oh, but the biggest thing that happened was probably my car accident. Ugh.
Some girl was reading at the wheel... and she rear ended me at about 30 - 35 mph... Yeah. We were stopped at a light behind some other cars... and she wasn't paying attention. I was at the wheel, Scott in the passenger's seat, and my brother, Darryl, right behind me.
The car hit where Darryl was sitting... (no worries, he is fine... none of us were hurt too bad)... but it was pretty shocking. (Click it or ticket, by the way) know.
But through this experience, I was able to see the hand of God in my life. Before we were hit, we were kind of just sitting in the car... not really talking or anything. My hands were on the wheel... the car was stopped behind the car in front of us... normal, right? Well, when the car hit us from behind, my car went flying forwards (about 10ft - 12ft) ...and headed right. It wasn't in my mind to even turn to the right until the car started going in that direction...
I knew that it was Heavenly Father... guiding the car out of the way... He made it possible so that wouldn't hit the car parked in front of us. I know this. It's amazing how we can really see his Hand... how little "miracles" like that can bless us, even change us.
Anyways, that's pretty much all I wanted to share... haha. I'll leave you with pictures of my Corolla after the accident. Oh! By the way, her insurance paid for everything... including my new Honda Civic 2006 :D haha. yay!
Anyways, I just wanted to write down certain things that have crossed my mind.
My roommate, Shadie, & her boyfriend Jed are going to get married this August! Can you believe that?! It was only last August that they met!
Well, since Shadie will be moving out after the summer time, I've been thinking about some of the changes that I'd have to face. It will definitely be strange having a roommate that isn't Miss Shadie Ann. She's such a good roommate, even better friend, and probably the greatest "sister" that I'll ever have. I'm glad she and Jed are together... I really can't think of anyone better for her!
So, the troubles of "a new roommate" have been weighing on my mind... but I'm sure it'll all work out alright. I'm pretty sure Perla, one of my other roommates, and I will be sharing a room next Fall. She's so much fun. I guess it's just hard for me to get used to the idea, haha.
Oh! Hm, Scott came to visit me during Spring Break! It was so much fun. He's so amazing and so good to me :) I really am a lucky girl. Haha. He went through the trouble of asking

Let's see... my spring break was March 6th - 16th. I celebrated my 21st birthday with my family & boyfriend. I got to go to Salt Lake and see stuff around there with Scott. Oh, but the biggest thing that happened was probably my car accident. Ugh.
Some girl was reading at the wheel... and she rear ended me at about 30 - 35 mph... Yeah. We were stopped at a light behind some other cars... and she wasn't paying attention. I was at the wheel, Scott in the passenger's seat, and my brother, Darryl, right behind me.
The car hit where Darryl was sitting... (no worries, he is fine... none of us were hurt too bad)... but it was pretty shocking. (Click it or ticket, by the way) know.
But through this experience, I was able to see the hand of God in my life. Before we were hit, we were kind of just sitting in the car... not really talking or anything. My hands were on the wheel... the car was stopped behind the car in front of us... normal, right? Well, when the car hit us from behind, my car went flying forwards (about 10ft - 12ft) ...and headed right. It wasn't in my mind to even turn to the right until the car started going in that direction...
I knew that it was Heavenly Father... guiding the car out of the way... He made it possible so that wouldn't hit the car parked in front of us. I know this. It's amazing how we can really see his Hand... how little "miracles" like that can bless us, even change us.
Anyways, that's pretty much all I wanted to share... haha. I'll leave you with pictures of my Corolla after the accident. Oh! By the way, her insurance paid for everything... including my new Honda Civic 2006 :D haha. yay!
Thursday, February 5, 2009
Random Happenings in Logan.
Hello there, bloggers [:

It's been a while since I've updated this thing, so I thought I should fill you in on some of the random happenings in Logan. First off, I'd like to introduce the world to Weeder, our new apartment fish. BF (Big Fish) recently passed away and we needed a new little friend for the apartment.
Funny story though, we had two fish... Weeder & Diah. We now only have one, Weeder. Diah is gone. I'll show you the pictures from the incident... & I'll let you figure out the story for yourselves:
Let's see... Kyle has been coming over a lot more. He's so fun to hang out with... especially on Hairbrush Karaoke nights.
My roommates & I were almost all together for dinner one night! I missed us being together so I volunteered to make dinner for the apartment. Everyone stayed, but Nance had a recital to go to or something, I can't remember. We missed her ]:
Yeah, it was fun eating dinner together!
Haha, goodnight [:
Saturday, January 24, 2009
Tuesday, January 13, 2009
No Fear in Love.
"There is no fear in love; but perfect love casteth out fear: because fear hath torment. He that feareth is not made in perfect love. We love him because he first loved us." --1 John 4:18-19.
Love it.
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