Saturday, December 6, 2008

Cake & Icecream

Hey! It's birthday weekend & my roommates & I are having lots of fun eating lots of yummy snacks--uhm, fattening foods :D Yay! Haha, ew. But yeah, it's Shadie's 20th birthday today, & Perla's 19th birthday tomorrow.

Amy made a whole bunch of cake so we could celebrate tonight! Jed bought the ice cream. Mmm [: Haha, don't you love the variety of plates that we have? Hah, typical college apartment. But yeah, she made so much cake! We had a bunch of people over to celebrate [:

Oh, here's everyone--but I ruined the picture because I couldn't decide if I wanted to run in in time for the timer or not. I failed & ruined the picture. Aha. Oh, and everyone else was dressed so nice & I was in my gym shorts & Landstown High PE-Tee. Haha!
Yay! Caaaaaake & ice creaaaaam!

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